

The Worcestershire Skills Hub

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Welcome to the Worcestershire Skills Hub, home of the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) for Worcestershire. In addition to the LSIP report, the website contains links to the business survey and a series of skills supply and demand dashboards, which collectively underpin the LSIP.

The Skills Hub has been produced by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, one of 38 employer representative bodies developing an employer-led approach to skills planning as part of a new Department of Education programme.

How to use the site

This site can be navigated in different ways. You can either follow the recommended user-group pathways below, developed to explore the data analysis and information in a sequence that will help build a relevant picture by user-group. Alternatively, you can navigate at your own pace and order using the drop-down menus at the top of the page.

User Channels

Embark on your journey based on user channels.

Further Education and Higher Education Institutes

Further Education Colleges, Universities

Coming Soon

DWP Employment, NCS, Schools Careers Advisers, Employment Advisers, Recruiters

Coming Soon

Primary and Secondary schools

Coming Soon
Career Changers

Coming Soon

Large, SMEs, Micro, Trade Membership Bodies

Coming Soon
Parents and Students

Adults, Parents, School and Education Leavers, School Children

Coming Soon

About the data

The approach taken by our website development partner East Midlands Chamber to deliver the LSIP is data-led with a focus on automation and sustainable delivery of the outcomes. The Skills Hub provides access to a series of reports and dashboards that give insights into:

  • Skills supply dashboards representing the outcomes of supply side from Key Stage 4, Further Education, Apprenticeships, 16-18 destinations and Higher Education.
  • Skills demand dashboards representing the projection of job growth, top 20 skills - soft, hard and certifications, top job titles across each sector respectively.

The data is collected from various sources through web scraping, APIs access, contracts and restricted special access to sources of information. A completely new infrastructure - cloud architecture - is developed to support the LSIP to ensure the system is flexible and easy to scale.